Empowering Productivity through Mobile App Design

A mobile app designed for streamlining SaaS company internal operations and tasks at Kingsmen Software.


UX/UI Designer


Oct 2021 - Dec 2021


User Interface Design
User Experience Design
Design Systems
User Research


Adobe XD
Azure DevOps

Project Overview

Kingsmen Software is looking to have a mobile app that essentially mirrors their website. The app should have a login functionality that allows users with admin privileges to view/update/modify/remove information from certain pages. It must also allow users without a login to sign up, provided that they have a “kingsmensoftware.com” email address. The app should be optimized for mobile phone displays.

The Challenge

Kingsmen Software is looking to have a mobile app that essentially mirrors their website but also, should have a login functionality that allows users with admin privileges to view/update/modify/remove information from certain pages. It must also allow users without a login to sign up, provided that they have a “kingsmensoftware.com” email address. The app should be optimized for mobile phone displays.

Key Features / Goals

The app should be designed to accomplish the following goals:

Increase Efficiency

The app should allow the marketing team to update the Kingsmen Software website via mobile device, if needed.

Facilitate communication

The app should serve as a beacon of communication to all Kingsmen Software employees.

allow for user login

To facilitate the marketing team's ability to make updates, and in consideration for additional functionality in the future, the app should allow for user authentication.


Project Approach

Developers also had access to these mockups so that they could adhere to them while building the app.We utilized the agile methodology to complete this project. More specifically, we adhered to Kingsmen Software's specific brand of agile called "The Kingsmen Way", with a team composed of myself as the sole designer, 2 business analysts, 2 software developers/engineers and a project manager. We worked in 2 week sprints, including daily standup, sprint planning, story elaboration, story sizing and retrospective.

I designed a series of wireframes that I then presented to key stakeholders. After receiving feedback, we further refined these wireframes in order to get to more high-fidelity prototypes. These were presented using Adobe XD links so that stakeholders could see animations, have an idea of the proposed behavior of each element on the screen and provide feedback as needed. I also designed various launcher icons to be used to deploy the application to the App Store and the Google Play Store.


The final version of the app was deployed to the Google Play store and was made publicly accessible. The login and authentication process has not been added to the application as yet but will be rolled out in tandem with any sensitive/employee-only information that gets added to the app for users with administrative access. The app will also be used to post job openings at Kingsmen Software.

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